Création : Cherryl TAYLOR
Cherryl ou L’Art du Feu Née sous le signe du Dragon, elle nourrit depuis toujours une passion pour les autres animaux, humains compris. Depuis plus de vingt ans, elle les représente en céramique et leur donnent vie par le feu du raku. Originaire du sud de l’Angleterre, c’est dans celui de la France, dans la vallée de l’Hérault, qu’elle s’établit en 1976 au cours d’un voyage. Elle découvre à cette époque le travail de la céramique, la terre et le feu, elle y trouve son élément et ne cesse depuis sa pratique. Elle expose principalement dans sa région d’adoption, mais des visiteurs du monde entier lui rendent visite.
L'atelier c'est aussi
RAKU Cherryl Taylor Born under the sign of the dragon in Chinese astrology it was only natural that anything to do with fire, firing pottery and especially raku appealed to Cherryl. Having spent a lot of her childhood at her grandparents surrounded by hens, rabbits and diverse forms of animal life it developped her affinity with animals and the desire to represent them in sculpture form. Cherryl was born in Frome and studied at Millfield school from where she went on to study History at Kent University. After university more and more attracted by the idea of making ceramics she established herself in the south of France where she still lives now and started her career as a ceramist. From making pots little by little her ceramic animals emerged. Although she has exhibited principally in France, certain commissioned work has been sold as far away as Japan, Brazil, New Zealand and Canada. At a recent exhibition with two painters at the « Caveau Vignerons et Passions » JeanJean St Felix de Lodez 34725 they exhibited on the theme of La Fontaine’s Fables.
3, rue Aiguillerie34150 ANIANE
{tel} : +33 (0)4 67 57 39 74
{email} : cherryl@aniane.net